Spiritual Aura

The spiritual part of the aura reflects the energy of the spirit and its development. The color on this level is most distant. Mental sluggishness shows in this area.

Negative thoughts accumulated over time shows in this area. It is believed that yellow is predominant in at this level.

Reading the Aura

These levels can be read separately or in conjunction with each other.The colors are not physically separated by a line or space between them. They seem to fuse or change into one another. One color may be more dominant than others. As one develops the ability to read auras, viable information can be derived from the different levels.

There is no hierarchy of judgement involving the colors and their placement in the aura. The colors are only indicators of the person’s current state, can be read to strengthen the positive and / or help alleviate problems .

Remember, as living things change, so do the energy fields. As we develop, as we solve our problems, as we work through inhibiting blocks, we continue to balance our energies.

When reading an aura, do no stop yourself after sensing the colors. Recognizing the colors is the beginning of the aura reading. Verbalize what you see, this not only defines what you see, it enhances the flow of your intuition and helps with an insightful reading.

You could see one color, or a combination thereof. The colors may grow stronger or brighter as the reading progresses. Rely on your ability to interpret responsibly with a clear mind what you see or sense.

When people are comfortable with one another,their aura tend to compliment each other in an attractive manner.

Learning about aura helps you to raise your intuitive faculties.

Give it a try.

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